Branch Manager

When I think of your gift it really boils down to your passion and will to succeed. That drives your work ethic to learn and implement behaviors to drive results. However your greatest gift is your ability to understand your purpose. Again you implement strategies or behaviors that represent and reflect your purpose or understanding. It’s all about BELIEFS + BEHAVIORS = RESULTS. You believe then you implement behaviors that drive results. Your talent is you’re an amazing listener. You pay attention to detail. Which in turn assists you in helping others in whatever it is they are looking to accomplish.

Young Adult

In my eyes your talents that display the most to me are 1. Vision, the vision to see what’s needed to be done to accomplish something and not only accomplish but in good manner as well. 2 Leadership, you can gather and round up a group of any individuals and instantly become a leader by way of mouth and actions. 3. Compassionate/understanding, so to say you can relate or feel for them in a lot of cases. That is a big talent that’s a hot topic because you build a bigger deeper connection with people and make them feel more comfortable or open which goes back to the hands of leadership.